The Simcha Fund is a Cape Town based Jewish charity that assists members of the community who are struggling financially to celebrate their joyous occasions (simchas) and family milestones in a way they will cherish forever.
The Fund began almost a decade ago with one special young man. After celebrating his own Bar Mitzvah, he wanted to share some of his joy with others. He approached his parents and told them that he wanted to donate a portion of the money he had received to less fortunate members of the community.
His parents jumped on board, however they did not know where to send the donation. They contacted some community leaders and The Simcha Fund was born.
Since that day The Simcha Fund has helped dozens of bnei- and b’not-mitzvah, brides, grooms and others to celebrate their simchas with joy.
The Simcha Fund has a simple application process, and pays service providers directly. The Fund has a large collection of wedding gowns available for use and is also able to secure excellent pricing for decor, catering and photography.
Contact us to find out how you can donate anything from matric dance dresses to birthday packages, to suits or a family meal – any way that you can help is greatly appreciated.